World Revolution
and to be created by the
Generalized Self-Management
Primary Analytical
Primary Organizational
Secondary Analytical
Secondary Organizational
Reviews, Presentations, and Research
Mission Statement of Our Association
Targeted Fragments
Target-to-Project Mappings
Release Coordination
Release Localization
Follow-up Contacts
A. Breadth and Depth of Project
- to define the means and ends of WR
- to define the minimum basis of association
- to allow different levels of participation (input/output) based upon less-stringent or "plug-in" contractual levels of commitment), expectations (w/r/t contributions), and access to certain layers of decision-making (as in a kernel-based operating system); visible levels of membership
- to define what I want in my life that is impossible or partial now
- to define our associates
- to define methodology of communicating the real theory of WR
- to define how we intend to reach our associates
- to define the space-time of our interventions into daily life
- to intervene into daily life at the point of generalized self-alienation
- to create situations which publicize the secret of global banality
- to publicize the General Strike as means by which the Capital social relations can be halted
- to spread an organization which spreads itself with General Strike as goal
- to publicize how during the General Strike the occupation and restarting of production can change the world
- creating projects sustaining organization
- creating basic questions to ask and answer for research
- reading materials from suggested list
- reading supplemental materials
- reporting research via agreed-upon format
- making research accessible to others
- reaching out to others with results of research
- to define what is needed to organize our communications
- to define how we shall make decisions
- to define how each intervention shall meet a quality of execution
- to create interventions
- to define schedules
- to define the minimum basis of commonality
- to define the process of admission or inclusion
- to define the process of resignation and exclusion
- to define an initial core association
- AS
- EB
- CC
- CG
- KK
- RL
- to define the scheduling of individual interventions within our total intervention
- to define the scheduling associated with the release of individual interventions
- begins July 1st, 2005
- sustaining projects organization completed by August 1st, 2004
- basic questions list completed by September 1st, 2004
- initial reading completed by December 1st, 2004
- research and reporting completed by February 1st, 2005
- method for reaching out to others completed by March 1st, 2005
- to define the ir/regularity (schedule) of communication
- The Grundrisse - by Karl Marx
- Capital - by Karl Marx
- Essays on Marx's Theory of Value - by I.I. Rubin
- Marx's Theory of Alienation - by Istvan Meszaros
- History and Class Consciousness - by Georgs Lukacs
- The Mass Psychology of Fascism - by Wilhelm Reich
- The Society of the Spectacle - by Guy Debord
- The Revolution of Everyday Life - by Raoul Vaneigem
- Basic Banalities - by Raoul Vaneigem
- The Book of Pleasures - by Raoul Vaneigem
- Re-enchanting Humanity: A Defense of the Human Spirit Against Anti-Humanism, Misanthropy, Mysticism, and Primitivism - by Murray Bookchin
- The Right To Be Greedy - by For Ourselves: Council for Generalized Self-Management
- Critique of Cynical Reason - Peter Sloterdijk
- Reification or The Anxiety of Late Capitalism - by Timothy Bewes
- A Declaration of the Rights of Human Beings - by Raoul Vaneigem
- A Grammar of the Multitude - by Paolo Virno
- Crepuscular Dawn - by Paul Virilio and Sylvere Lotringer
- Tyranny of the Moment: Fast and Slow Time in the Information Age - by T.H. Eriksen
- Welcome to the Desert of the Real - by Slavoj Zizek
- Dialectics of Seeing: Walter benjamin and the Arcades Project - by Susan Buck-Morss
- Anarcho-Syndicalism
- Anarcho-Communism
- Council-Communism
- Revolutionary Unionism
- Left-Communism
- Bordiga
- I.B.R.P.
- I.C.C.
- building an Anarchist International
- Manifesto of Libertarian Communism - by Georges Fontenis
- Organizational Platform of the Libertarian Communists - by Workers' Cause (1926)
- Manifesto of the Insurgent Army of the Ukraine (1920)
- Origins of the Movement for Workers' Councils in Germany
- Kronstadt Isvestia
- Writings of Marxists on Trade Unions, the General Strike, Soviets, and Working Class Organization
- Socialist Theory: The General Strike Today
- Spontaneity and Organization - by Paul Mattick
- beyond Situationist
- beyond Postmodernist
- beyond Councilist
- beyond Syndicalist
IV. Reviews, Presentations, and Research
- define how we shall present reports, proposals, notes, research, and minutes
- define where we shall present the above
- define where we shall store published work
- define where we shall store epublished work
- define who will have access to research areas and how that will be managed (eg., passwords)
- define how access and security shall be maintained on storage areas
- define how non-members will have access and know about us
- who am I?
- what is my experience?
- what hinders me alone getting what I want?
- what hinders me with others getting what I want?
- what are my desires for WR?
- what project(s) entice(s) me?
- how do I envision the effect of said project(s)?
- how best can I re-connect the class to itself, to myself as of that class?
- what will it take for me to be gratified in this project?
- what do I demand of myself (as a gift to others) in this project?
- what do I demand of others (as the potential me) in this project?
- how do I make this association mine?
- how do I entrust others in this project with my interests?
- international and post-national
- direct democracy
- social freedom and individual liberty
C. Mission Statement of Our Association
- how do we define our association?
- agreement regarding a group name and use thereof
- agreement to be known by member pseudoname (eg., "nickname") for security
- meeting types (cyber, face-to-face, telephone)
- agreement to meeting frequency
- admission/exclusion
- agreement to a level of commitment
- agreement to participation as far as access allows
- agreement to abide to keeping membership secured
- what is the self-statement of our group, our association?
- what is the formal organization of our association?
- what is the basis for association with others (individuals, groups) not of our association?
- how shall we create and find existing associates?
- go onto art lists around the world, become members of those lists and promote and create imaginative play with other list users, declaring through such activities situationist strength/ideas etc.
- create avatars, to infiltrate online corporate game sites (including their bloggs) and cause immense confusion by employing calcalated games that challenge the imposed remits/agendas of these game's sites - especially the violent ones.
- go out in the streets and begin promoting ideas (not literally situationist self refelctive advertisements), but slogans on walls, as tags, as questions that are concise and poetic - make it dynamic and clear and cutting, but playful.
- television shows: extreme passivity, spectoral spctatorship wherein the false exposes the true
- billboard advertisements: ads for viewing ads, meta-spectatorialism
- false parking tickets: expose the de/colonization of space and time
- many bands take on the same name, "free admission" and play outside advertised venues or prescheduled ones with their new name
- calls by complacent trade unions for a General Strike, explaining their role in a static, dead world - a call for the 0-hour day and a use of technos for freeing humanity from all work and drudgery
- ads from advertisers that expose advertising
- "reflections of the exchange-value of hope" as in unemployment and welfare lines could - with free food credit coupons redeemable at groceries and social service offices
- "a toast to dead time" contest (printed on napkins and take-out menus) exposing the tavern/lounge/bar scene
- something for sporting events that suggests taking the spectator out of spectator sports, adding "too much" fantasy into "fantasy" sports
- a call by "politicians", announcing their own resignations and roles, suggesting forms for generalized self-management
- financial sector heads expose the limited game of Capital and suggest that to make money as useless as anything but firestarting or sime such, offer free giveaways as napkins and other real uses
- employment agencies and boss affiliations give everyone the endless vacations that have been extracted from them and saved in bank vaults
- religious and philosophic leaders reveal their false dichotomy as hoax, while also revealing that the will to live has been stood on its head as a fear of death, and the recycling of the "why am I here?" question reveals a reality the recycling of the unliveable
- thought-bubbling of advertisements, particularly the smaller billboard-like ones that are around us all at "street" level: overheads in buses, fast food, "impulse" items (gum, soda pop, candy), candidate/political signs, turnstiles, movies, newspaper racks, cigarettes/beer, cash registers, self-checkout stands, gas pumps, bus stops, parking meters, pay phones, ATM machines, walk-wait signs, escaltors, elevators, vending machines, book sleeves, CD and DVD labels, beer and soda pop cans. These can look "official" or can show objects being subjects - exposing what's behind the social inversion which turns subjects into pseudo-objects and objects into pseudo-subjects.
- fake newspaper like USA Today as an expose of "news" and "the newsworthy".
- web radio station that automatically broadcasts social critiques of the spectacular-commodity economy.
- webzine that gets emailed monthly.
- movement, mobility and transportation are exposed for what is and what isn't moving; the world made in the image of pseudo-objects and pseudo-subjects moves away from us faster and faster, like the Big Bang gone wild.
- formats: agit-prop stickers (thought-bubbles and balloons), flyers, brochures, audio ad spots, video spots (eg. mpeg), bumperstickers, downloadable graphics files, placards, downloadable grafitti, lick'n'sticks for product altering, peel'n'sticks for billboard alterings - all multi-languaged, all downloadable, all free, all with notes for best and trial-tested usage
- student graduation flyer indicating early admission to the market; exposes the student as future property, as a potential and kinetic carrier of human capital; as carrier of knowledge that is true if it nourishes that human and non-human capitalization as (re-)producer and consumer
- the best time for release: serial and/or parallel (i.e., simultaneous or building), independent and/or dependent (as with an if-then-else condition)
- also known as globalization and internationalization
- make projects, notes, and communications available for translation into multiple languages, perhaps having them pre-translated when possible (and verified so the meaning, syntax, and lexicality are correct)
- how and when to securely seek contact from sought-after associates: post office boxes, anonymous email