Project: Translinguistics

Text Translations of Raoul Vaneigem, Jean-Pierre Voyer, et. al.

Project Notes

These files can be translated to any language and I will post that translation onto my web sites.

Let me know if you are willing and able to translate any text and I will keep a "secured area" available for your work-in-progress. I will also facilitate you and any other translators in any way, especially with regards to working together directly.

The intended loss of these authors' contributions to revolutionary vision foreword-and-aft are despicable and inexcusable and ought best be tolerated by losers, nebiches, and agents.

All credit for availing these texts will be given in the final XHTML/CSS version which I shall create, and absolutely no cost to view will be charged to anyone.

Forums for discussion will be availed at no cost, except to me for disk and hosting fees, which I shall gladly bear to see the effect of the faces of liars, elitists, and thieves of the history of these people, and of the history of which they speak.

Please go to the smirkers-of-the-world Yahoo group area or the "Black Box Forum" for membership in the translinguistics project If translating is all you desire, i.e., not wishing to receive other email, I can set you up to have only self-directed web access so connection to the larger project is focused down to only the language-to-language translation you are choosing to address. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and your well-being while doing so is and will be respected.

Karel Appel

Mikhail Bakunin

Alfredo M. Bonanno

  • Chantons pour passer le temps
    written by Alfredo M. Bonanno (2000)
    published by Ravage Éditions (2009)
    28 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Détruisons le travail
    written by Alfredo M. Bonanno (1994)
    published by Les inventeurs d'incroyances (July 2006)
    24 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

Murray Bookchin

  • Le municipalisme libertaire
    written by Murray Bookchin (1995)
    extracted from Urbanization without Cities: The Rise and Decline of Citizenship
    14 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

Cajo Brendel

Joseph Dietzgen

Joseph P. Farrell

Joachim Israel

Russell Jacoby

Asger Jorn

  • Les situationnistes et l'automation
    written by Asger Jorn
    unknown publisher
    3 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

Mustapha Khayati

Karel Kosìk

Attila Kotànyi

  • Contre l'urbanisme suivi de programme élémentaire pour un bureau d'urbanisme unitaire
    written by Attila Kotànyi and Raoul Vaneigem (1961)
    published by Apache Editions
    originally published in Internationale Situationiste, Number 6 (1961)
    16 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

Andrze M. Łobaczewski

Errico Malatesta

Paul Mattick

  • Crises et theories des crises
    written by Paul Mattick (1974)
    published by Editions Champ Libre (1976);published in English as Crises and Theories of Crisis
    106 pages
    now available: French PDF

  • Organisation et spontaneite
    written by Paul Mattick
    unknown publisher (2004)
    20 pages
    now available: French PDF

  • Stalinisme et Bolchevism
    written by Paul Mattick (1947)
    published by Zanzara athée(2001, 2003) and distributed online via Les inventeurs d'incroyances (2003)
    20 pages
    now available: French PDF

Constant Nieuwenhuis

Anton Pannekoek

Wilhelm Reich

  • Le caractère masochiste
    written by Wilhelm Reich
    unknown publisher (1944); taken from his book, Character Analysis
    22 pages
    now available: French PDF

  • Matérialisme dialectique et psychanalyse dans la crise sexuelle
    written by Wilhelm Reich
    unknown publisher (1929)
    38 pages
    now available: French PDF

René Reisel

  • "Preliminaires sur les conseils et l'organisation conseilliste"
    written by René Reisel (1969)
    originally published in Internationale Situationniste #12 (September 1969)
    re-published by Editions Fayard (1997)
    this PDF version taken from web-published version from Editions turbulentes
    10 pages
    now available: French PDF

  • "La décroissance: c'est l'administration du désastre et la soumission durable"
    written by René Reisel and Jaime Semprun
    unknown publisher (April 2008)
    6 pages
    now available: French PDF

Otto Rühle

Robin de Ruiter

  • Die 13 satanischen Blutlinien – Das Ende der Freiheit der Völker nähert sich
    written by Robin de Ruiter and Fritz Springmeier (last updated in 2008)
    published by A. Schmid (March 1999)
    351 pages
    now available: German edition from Amazon

  • La Venidera Transición Mundial: Causa de muchas desgracias humanas
    written by Robin de Ruiter and Fritz Springmeier (last updated in 2008)
    published by Mayra Publications (March 1999)
    351 pages
    now available: Spanish edition from Mayra Publications

Gianfranco Sanguinetti

Max Stirner

Antony C. Sutton

Raoul Vaneigem

Raoul Vaneigem's pseudonyms:
Julienne de Cherisy
Robert Desessarts
Jules-François Dupuis
Tristan Hannaniel
Anne de Launay
Michel Thorgal

  • "Banalités de base"
    written by Raoul Vaneigem (April 1962)
    originally published in Internationale Situationniste #7 (April 1962)
    this PDF version taken from web-published version from Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    9 pages (being part one of two parts)
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • "Sur la commune"
    written by Guy Debord, Attila Kot`anyi, and Raoul Vaneigem (March 18, 1962)
    originally published in Internationale Situationniste #12 (September 1969)
    this PDF version taken from web-published version from Zanzara athée (January 2003)
    6 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • "Sur la commune"
    written by Guy Debord, Attila Kot`anyi, and Raoul Vaneigem (March 18, 1962)
    originally published in Internationale Situationniste #12 (September 1969)
    this PDF version from Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    2 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • "Avis aux civilisès relativement à l'autogestion gènèralisèe"
    written by Raoul Vaneigem (1969)
    originally published in Internationale Situationniste #12 (September 1969)
    this abbreviated PDF version taken from web-published version from Éditions turbulentes (November 2005)
    12 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • De la grève sauvage à l'autogestion généralisée
    written by "Ratgeb" aka Raoul Vaneigem (1974)
    originally published by l'Union générale d'éditions 10/14 (1974)
    this PDF version taken from web-published version from Éditions turbulentes (2005)
    26 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Der radioactive Kadaver – eine geschichte des Surrealismus
    written by Jules-François Dupuis (Raoul Vaneigem); Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Pierre Gallissaires und Hanna Mittelstädt
    published by Edition Nautilus (1979)
    120 pages
    now available: German PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Adresse aux vivants sur la mort qui les gouverne et l'opportunite de sen def aire
    written by Raoul Vaneigem (16-October-1989)
    published by Les inventeurs d'incroyances (28 pages)
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Avertissement aux ecoliers et lyceens
    written by Raoul Vaneigem (16-October-1989)
    published by Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    16 pages
    now available: French PDF
    originally published by Éditions mille et une nuits (1995)
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Nous qui désirons sans fin
    published by Cherche midi (1996) and Gallimard (March 5, 1998)
    210 pages now available: French read-only PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Nous qui désirons sans fin
    excerpt published by Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    40 pages
    now available: French read-only PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • "Eloge de la paresse affinée"
    written by Raoul Vaneigem (1996)
    originally published by Éditions du centre pompidou (1996)
    this PDF version taken from Éditions turbulentes (November 2005)
    16 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Dictionnaire de citations — Pour servir au divertissement et à l'intelligence du temps
    written by Raoul Vaneigem (1998)
    published by Le cherche midi éditeur (1998)
    96 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Lettre de Staline à ses enfants Réconciliés
    published by Verdier (1998)
    now available: French read-only PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Pour une internationale du genre humain
    written by Raoul Vaneigem (1999)
    published by Gallimard (2001)
    196 pages
    now available: French read-only PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • De l'inhumanite de la religion
    published by de Nöel (2000)
    208 pages
    now available: French read-only PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Pour l'abolition de la société marchande — Pour une société vivante
    published by Payot (2002)
    143 pages
    now available: French read-only PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • L'Ere des créateurs
    written by Raoul Vaneigem
    published by Complexe (2002)
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • L'Art de ne croire en rien suivi de Livre des trois imposteurs
    written by Raoul Vaneigem
    published by Rivages (2002)
    193 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Salut à Rabelais: Une Lecture Au Présent
    written by Raoul Vaneigem
    published by Editions Complexe (2003)
    170 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Des harmonies polygames en amour
    written by Charles Fourier; preface by Raoul Vaneigem
    published by Rivages (March 7, 2003)
    386 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Le Chevalier, La Dame, Le Diable et La Mort
    published by Cherche midi (2003) and Gallimard (2005)
    288 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Modestes propositions aux grévistes — Pour en finir avec ceux qui nous empechent de vivre en escroquant le bien public
    published by Verticales (2004)
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • "A propos des retraites et de l'utilité à faire grève"
    written by Mouvement pour les occupations (October 2007)
    8 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Rien n'est sacre tout peut se dire
    published by La decouverte (2008)
    99 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Entre le deuil du monde et la joie de vivre
    Les Situationnistes et la mutation des comportements

    published by Verticales (2008)
    295 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • "Critique de la declaration des droits de l'homme"
    written by Raoul Vaneigem
    unknown original publisher
    this PDF version appropriated from Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    8 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Paresse: Anthologie presentee par Sebastion Lapaque
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Comment maintenir l'amour: Traduit du latin par Franck Lemonade
    written by Andre le Chapelain
    preface by Raoul Vaneigem
    146 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Contre l'urbanisme suivi de programme élémentaire pour un bureau d'urbanisme unitaire
    written by Attila Kotànyi and Raoul Vaneigem (1961)
    published by Apache Editions
    originally published in Internationale Situationiste, Number 6 (1961)
    16 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Conversation
    extract of an interview
    published by unknown
    1 page
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Entre le deuil du monde et la joie de vivre
    extracts from a text written by Raoul Vaneigem (December 19, 2007)
    published by unknown (2008)
    6 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Entretien avec Raoul Vaneigem
    interview with Raoul Vaneigem (2008)
    conducted and published by unknowns (2008)
    3 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • IsIdore Ducasse et le comte de Lautréamont dans les Poésies
    written by Raoul Vaneigem
    published by unknown
    taken from a PDF supplied by Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    4 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Journal Imaginaire extract written by Raoul Vaneigem (2006)
    published by unknown
    1 page
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Le programme d'un abstentionniste written by Raoul Vaneigem (2010)
    published by Siné Hebdo Number 80 (March 17, 2010)
    3 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Le vol à l'étalage written by Raoul Vaneigem
    published by Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    3 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Libérer la terre des illusions célestes et de leur tyrannie written by Raoul Vaneigem (January 2006)
    published by Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    4 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Préliminaires pour une définition de l'unité du programme révolutionnaire written by Raoul Vaneigem
    published by Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    4 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Traité de savoir-vivre à l'usage des jeunes générations written by Raoul Vaneigem (October 1972)
    published by Les inventeurs d'incroyances
    140 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

Jean-Pierre Voyer

  • Reich mode d'emploi
    written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Champ Libre (1971)
    3 pages
    now available: French PDF
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Une enquête sur la nature et les causes de la misère des gens
    article written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1996); previously published by Éditions Champ Libre (1976)
    164 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Rapport sur l'état des illusions dans notre parti suivi de Révélations sur le principe du monde
    article written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Institut de Préhistoire Contemporaine, (1979)
    189 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Fin du situationnisme paisible
    written by Jean-Pierre Voyer via Institut de Préhistoire Contemporaine
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1981)
    4 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Introduction á la science de la publicité suivi de Reich mode d'emploi
    written by Jean-Pierre Voyer via Institut de Préhistoire Contemporaire
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1995); previously by Editions Champ Libre in 1971 and 1975
    110 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Chantons pour passer le temps
    written via Carnet de chants
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1990)
    122 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • À un pédé mondain
    written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1991)
    35 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Fin du situationnisme paisible
    written by Jean-Pierre Voyer via Institut de Préhistoire Contemporaire
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1993)
    39 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • L'Imbécile de Paris
    articles written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1995)
    67 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Réponse à l'auteur de « Marx envers et contre Marx »
    articles written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1995)
    67 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Une enquête sur la nature et les causes de la misère des gens
    articles written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1996)
    172 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Le jugement de dieu est commencé
    article written by Jean-Pierre Voyer for Revue de Préhistoire Contemporaine #1
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1996)
    164 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Quatorze nouvelles fables
    article written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1996)
    46 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Limites de conversation: Lettres de Jean-Pierre Voyer à Guy Debord, Bernard-Henri Lévy et quelques autres
    article written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (1998)
    265 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Diatribe d'un fanatique
    article written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (2002)
    125 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version

  • Entretiens avec le Docteur Weltfaust: Précédé de Panzerfaust et suivi de Autopsie d'une « falsification indiscutable »
    article written by Jean-Pierre Voyer
    published by Éditions Anonymes (2002)
    170 pages
    currently seeking a copy
    translators will be availed this text in an editable PDF version


  • A propos des retraites et de l'utilité à faire grève
    written by unknown
    published by Mouvement pour les occupations (8 pages; October 2007)
    now available: French PDF



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